Whether it is a rocky slope road or hiking cross-country, ordinary sneakers appeared to be inadequate, it can easily lead to foot and leg injuries. Therefore, special outdoor shoes for outdoor trips should be used, this kind of shoes due to its larger tire-shaped pattern adidas original trainers uk at the bottom, so good anti-skid properties. Made of hard rubber soles, on gravel or uneven pavement, can effectively prevent ankle and on the soles of the foot injury.Outdoor shoes and sneakers the biggest difference is that in General, whole emphasize comfort and safety while exercising, using breathable fabrics and designs such as abrasion-resistant rubber outsole and the strengthening of stability, even in the face of rugged mountain, cold water or other harsh environment and let you through, playing out the true genius of outdoor sports and fun.Click here to see all press imagesOutdoor shoes categoriesFirst is the General hiking shoes, these shoes are suitable for trekking, hiking, camping and other activities, they are generally lighter, with shallow
tread, no good water resistance.Second type is long-distance hiking or climbing shoes. These shoes have higher requirements for comfort and durability, greater weight of the shoe, and shade darker, the request can adapt to the rugged mountain or snow and ice pavement. mens mizuno wave prophecy 3 The soles of these shoes are made of professional rubber. Shoe material is highly technical, they can put the feet away excess sweat.Third category is professional hiking boots, these shoes are extremely demanding in terms of warmth and rugged, specializing in fabrics and technology, special impact-resistant, wear-proof design on toe, all parts of the sutures, 100% waterproof processing for a long time. Heavyweight design boots are high, weighs 3~5 kg.Sneaker trio of fitness: HomeClick here to see all press imagesIn this age of individuality, sports and fitness has become one of the most fashionable topic in urban populations. Went to the gym after work one or two hours, not only can keep fit, relieve stress, improve sleep quality, you can also help shape perfect body curves,
increases personal magnetism. Natural high and rounded fitness has its own thoughts: "I enjoy fitness activities at home. On one occasion, I met a friend who hasn't seen for three or four months, that her status is particularly good, glossy green skin, and energetic, and ask her how to maintain, she told me she was practicing yoga. Then I bought my teaching CD, at home to give it a try. I'm afraid that is too difficult, so just pick out a simpler is a highly engaging, doing my sleep (laugh). "It seems round such a mind like water girl and calmly adhering to yoga meditation is not easy.Loose and comfortable sportswear is a high round favorites. "I don't like sexy or feminine attire, usually do not wear tight-fitting clothes, rarely wear skirts prefer more relaxed and comfortable sportswear. I like to buy some sports trainers, have their own favored brands. When you have special events, I will never wear high heels, and do not give yourself a hard time? "At this point, round suddenly face too big, looked carefully around the staff:"
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